Friday, October 2, 2015

Will there be draft?

It seems as if the people of todays society have a wider range of interest in the presidential elections, merely because of the infamous Donald Trump. A journalist from the New York times, Alan Rappeport, shined the spot light on Trump addressing the issue whether the U.S or Russia should take action in Syria, Shifting on Islamic State, Donald Trump Welcomes Russia's Moves In Syria. Personally, I am not a fan of Trump, and most of the non-sense that he speaks during press conferences is mainly for publicity. If this conflict between Russia and Syria goes south and requires that the united states has to step in, than a draft will be necessary. The U.S does not have enough military power to go against Russia's, although according to Trump's statement," we go in, we knock the hell out of' em, we take the oil." If nobody recalls the last attempts to go in to the Islamic Nation to bring order, it lasted well over 5 years, and brought a handful of negative effects with it. The U.S is  not in any position to enter this war, considering that our country is struggling financially, and is still recovering from the last war in Iraq. All of these thoughts are simply just being thrown out in the air, but let's take into consideration if a military draft really does happen.  How do you think the public is going to react to this decision? Going back to statistics, more than 3/4 of young Americans do not have a clue of what is going on in today's politics, so how can the government expect these individuals to fight for a cause that they are hearing about for the first time, and to make matters worse, if Trump is leading this conflict, it'll be the blind leading the blind. He claims that he wants to better our country at the end of the article, supposedly making the roads, schools and public a better place, although he makes naive remarks about how he's going to send in troops to take the oil and then send more to protect the oil. The best thing the U.S can do at this point is sit back and allow Russia and Syria to settle down with this confrontation, because as proven in the past, sometimes the U.S involvement can make situations worse.

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