Friday, October 16, 2015

America's Middle Class!

The question that has been asked throughout America, is the new minimum wage going to rise to $15? Well according to Chis Matthews, middle class of today's society barely make enough income to make a living. How Screwed is America's middle class, anyway? is clearly aiming a message and trying to make a point to upper class American's, Matthews goes into statistics of the average income for middle class Americans from the last 3 decades. Households clearly made more money in 1995 than they did in the year of 2014, and many people wonder why? Well the answer is inflation, along with several other components. Lets take a second to calculate the amount of money an individual makes earning minimum wage. In Texas, at $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week, one earns $290 before taxes. Now 4 weeks in a month, so with 1,160, someone is expected to pay rent, bills, groceries, as well as medical/car insurance. Clearly not impossible, although that is considering that this individual is living alone, but what about single parents? Realistically speaking, I don't think that minimum wage is going to double anytime soon, but surely raising it a few dollars would have a tremendous impact. While the idea of raising minimum wage is being thrown around, I would assume it's safe to say that people are forgetting other causes that have to be taken account for as well. Such as cost of living. The domino effect if you may. If cooperations have to pay their employees more, their source of income will have to increase also, meaning their merchandise. Let's take Walmart for example, to make up for their increase in payroll, one of two things will happen, either they will start to lay off their employees or their inventory prices will shoot out of the roofs. In my opinion, minimum wage should rise, although $15 dollars an hour sounds unreasonable.

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